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Upload your Drawings!
Have fun sharing your version of Almondine or any other character from the story!
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Gabriele's reply to you will appear in green as soon as he sees it!

I draw two
Anastasia, this second drawing is awesome! I really like those almonds shaking and the little almond baby crawling at the bottom of the page. But my favourite bit is Alma's shocked face! With only a few lines, you were able to make her soooo expressive! You really captured how she feels in the story! Thank you so much for sharing your drawings!

I like the book 📚😊
Hi Anastasia, I'm so glad you enjoyed the book! And thank you for sharing your drawings! I especially love the hand holding a tiny Almondine!

Hi Almondine
Hi Amy, this Leaf character is so cute and cheerful! It's a beautiful drawing, well done. I love it!

I have read your books, they were great.
Hi Charlotte, thank you so much for your drawing! It's super cute and so well executed! You've really captured the young Almondine's features, her dress and her cheeky expression! Bravissima!!!

I have done this drawing with my computer
Hi Martha, Wow! That's amazing. Well done on drawing and colouring with the computer. What a lovely design for the dress you've come up with... and all that sparkle swriling around her. She looks really magic. I'm so impressed!

I didn't read the book but I saw a picture so I copied it
Hi Candance, thanks for your picture! I absolutely adore that cheeky smile! And her voluminous hair make her even more cute. You have also really observed Almondine's dress in the book! Nice one! You are an artist! Thanks for sharing.

This is my version of Almondine
Hi Emma, your Almondine is beautiful and spooky at the same time!! I'm very intrigued by your idea that she has magic powers in her fingers... And look at her beautifully wild hair style and that crown of flowers! You've got a real character there!! I'm amazed. :)

Today I saw Almondine’s nest. Such a wonderful place.
Hi Sonia, yes!!! You are so right! It would be a wonderful place to have a nest indeed. :) Thank you for sharing this very pretty foto.

I loved Almondine. I would like to be one Almondine too
Hi Mafalda, your drawing is so expressive and dynamic! What a great moment to choose. Very dramatic and humourous at the same time! And you've used watercolour too, which is a challenging technique. I love it!!!
Thank you for sharing it!

I love lettering and I loved the books! So I did some Almondine’s Lettering😊
Thank you, Olivia, for your lovely title!!! It shows an elegant blend of grace and powerful graphic impact. It shows your talent and creativity with lettering. Well done! I can tell you like writing! Maybe that aeroplane contains a message to someone? :) Thanks for sharing your drawing!

Almondine in my coffee...
That's her! Well spotted... Genius. :)

La meva Almondine!
Que preciosidad!!

i have really enjoyed your books. this is my almondine
Hi Amara, what a pretty face you have just drawn! You have a very delicate, precise style. She looks super cute, with her pretty little mouth and green leaves on her head! I love those purple eyes too! And I'm also impressed by how elegant her top is. Thank you for sharing your wonderful picture.

Ma sei proprio bravissima!! Mi piace molto il design del vestito... che idea... e anche quel bel cappello con il nastro azzurro: che ci sia sotto una fogliolina?!

Wow!!! Mar, this illustration is truly impressive! It's so sophisticated and detailed. And those green shoots from her arms: que idea genial. Ya eres una profesionista! Well done!!!

A new dress for Almondine
Hi Julia, I love the mermaid skirt! What an idea! Thanks for sharing it!

Here is my almondine version
Hi Julia, this picture is so cute! And a lovely choice of colours too! I love how the green of the leaves blends into the hair. Genius. Thanks for sharing your drawing!

My version of Almondine
Hi Lilly, well done!! This picture is awesome! Well proportionate and expressive. And the flower with the stamens too. Well observed. Thanks for sharing!

Hang on... This cyclope looks familiar... I think I know you! Thanks for sharing it. This protrait couldn't be more accurate.
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